S. T. Oner-Marijuana Outdoor Growers Guide


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Product Information

This book was written for the first-time grower. It shows how to produce a natural, safe and high-yielding outdoor crop without using harmful chemicals. Simple and easy to understand, the Outdoor Grower’s Guide clearly explains everything you need to know, from choosing a strain to protecting your mature plants. Marijuana Outdoor Grower’s Guide’ is written for first-time growers who are looking to learn the basics and have a successful personal crop. For the more experienced grower, the book includes advice on how to enhance the productivity of the plants and ensure success with every attempt. With focus on creating a small grow area that will produce without problems, this book will be an invaluable resource for those with little familiarity with the process of raising marijuana plants. Through selecting seeds and choosing a grow spot to maximizing security and actually raising plants, S. T. Oner writes in a manner that is easy to follow and helpfully instructive at the same time. Protection from pests as well as the elements, how best to harvest and how the more advanced grower can move forward in their career are all covered, as are the basics of cooking with the harvested bud.

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